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1994 Born in Awajishima,Hyogo

2017 B.A. in Painting,Kyoto Seika University

Group shows

2018 「Figurative Art Exhibition」JARFO KYOTO GARO(Kyoto)

2019 「Nothing Too Late!」Bar Two Hands(Osaka)


2018 「Media,Miguration and the Rise of Nationalism. Comparing European and Asian Experiences and Perspectives」

    Arts Chiyoda 3331(Tokyo), Gunma University(Gunma), Utrecht University(Utrecht)

Art Fair

2018 「OSAKA ART FES 2018@Umeda Hanshin」Hanshin Umeda Main Store(Osaka)




Viewing and painting things faithfully.This deed is primitive ,and it has inherited in the history of paintings.However, this deed was slighted with the development of digital technology after the modern era.On the ways painting things changed photographs and videos in place of paintings,and the painting of realism that is needed a long time and techniques was regarded as irrational.

​Today,every people are hurried by time because "the intention to the instant of " have not percolated through to only art but also general society.Every people lost ideas that slowly time,and now we can't do waiting.I view front of motive,and replace my perceptions with coloring materials,and accumulate them on a canvas.I wait for surfacing that existence of the motive with time.I think the deed making paintings is waiting.And I think one significance of today's paintings is surfacing visible/ascertainable things.


Takashi Tanihata was born in Awajishima(Hyogo),in 1994.

He had commuted painting class of neighborhood since he was 5 because he was recommended by his mother.He had studied under Masako Kuwata who was Painter/Designer in the class.

The meeting was a chance,Tanihata have hoped to be a painter since he was 8(2002).Then he suddenly said ‶I will become a painter." to his teacher.After the declaration,Tanihata had commuted the class when he became 18(2012).

Tanihata learned about History of western paintings that to High Renaissance(Leonardo da Vinci) from Cezanne in the class.And he had painted mainly landscepes because he was affected by pastoral paintings of Ecole de Barbizon.His works at that time was landscapes that was tinged with sorrow and lonesome.

Tanihata enrolled local high school but he suddenly resolved to change school in summer that he was 16.He changed school to high school of design professional school in Sannomiya(Hyogo).He thought painting was better learning general education for himseif.

His new school was liberal spirit.The school didn't teach oil paintings but Tanihata had painted oil painting after school.

Then Tanihata had been to Kyoto Seika University.At that time,he was attracted by realism paintings,and his works had changed classical paintings.But he had looked for contact with the present because he felt wrong painting classical motive by classical technique.

Then he met a novel that was ‶Matsu" by Osamu Dazai.Tanihata that was impressed by the short novel was interested in human demeanor that was ‶waiting”,and thought he have to paint ‶waiting" in the present.

Because he has set up an essential idea that is ‶waiting",and he has painted.

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